Student Registration – Update Browser



Tellusthepoint helps students to understand how graduates and employers use schoolwork in the real world. Our platform enables students to prepare themselves for their future jobs by showing them which subjects and skills they should study in school in order to succeed in the jobs they want. We are a student-driven project. Students are rewarded for actively recruiting graduates and employers who will tell us how schoolwork is used in real life. Students who help to build Tellusthepoint will be able to list it on their college and employment applications as a service activity that benefits them and their communities. The real magic of Tellusthepoint is that efforts by students to bring employers and graduates to Tellusthepoint will simultaneously help them get ready for life.


Tellusthepoint is a student-driven project. Students have the most to gain from the success of Tellusthepoint, because the information we gather will make education better and make students better prepared for life. As a student member of Tellusthepoint, we encourage you to commit to do at least one of the following:

(1) Encourage and help graduates in your community to join Tellusthepoint to tell how they use schoolwork in real life,

(2) Encourage and help employers in your community to join Tellusthepoint to tell how they use schoolwork in their organizations,

(3) Encourage students at your school to join and help to build Tellusthepoint,

(4) Use Tellusthepoint to discover the link between schoolwork and life, or

(5) Use Tellusthepoint to build a social network that will help you get ready for life.

One of the main benefits of Tellusthepoint is that your efforts to bring graduates and employers to Tellusthepoint will simultaneously help you to build your social network and get ready for life.

Linking learning to real life is the future of education. Thank you for helping us to create it.



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